Set Apart

At this very moment, you may be enjoying your favorite Christian fast food, in your Christian car, while driving to your Christian job. And while many of these things we praise God for having the freedom to enjoy; have we left the world behind in pursuit of a life only surrounded by quote, “Christian” things and other Christian people? While we, like the apostle Paul said he was, are “set apart” for the Gospel of God; does being set apart mean that we step aside and lose all connection to the outside world? As believers, we are here to be the light in a dark place. We are here to introduce people to Jesus and to be the omnipresence of our Father through our loving actions toward our neighbors. To do this effectively, we’re going to have to get outside of the walls of the church. Enjoy your favorite Christian music, but don’t forget to show love to your atheist neighbor while you’re at it.

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